On January 24th, HB 2527, introduced by Delegate Tim Hugo (R-40), unanimously passed a Transportation Subcommittee in the Virginia House of Delegates. If passed into law, HB 2527 sets specific criteria to stop localities from tolling on roads such as the Fairfax and Prince William County Parkways without General Assembly approval.
“Northern Virginians are already paying high enough tolls on I-66,” Delegate Tim Hugo said. “There has been discussion to place additional tolls on roads that have already been built with taxpayer monies. I introduced this bill to ensure that the Fairfax and Prince William County Parkways specifically are not tolled without General Assembly approval.”
Also passed unanimously by a Transportation Subcommittee is Delegate Hugo’s HB 2511. This bill reverts the hours on the I-66 HOT lanes inside the Beltway back to the original rush hours of 6:30 a.m/ to 9:00 a.m. for eastbound lanes and from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. for westbound lanes.
“This bill will not only ease pressure on secondary roads as drivers seek alternative routes,” said Hugo, “but Northern Virginians will no longer have to leave their homes earlier or work later to avoid the exorbitant tolls on I-66.”