Keeping Virginians Safe

Republicans were proud to support legislation from Del. Rob Bell this session that requires the various Clerks of Court in Virginia to go through their records and ensure that any criminal record information that hasn’t been applied to the Virginia Central Criminal Records Exchange is included, and the files are updated.

This puts more teeth in background checks for firearm purchases.

If someone in Virginia has committed a serious crime, it should show up in their criminal record.

But with any system as complex as Virginia’s system of courts and law enforcement, sometimes things slip through the cracks. While understandable, it’s not acceptable.

That’s why Republicans were proud to support legislation from Del. Rob Bell this session that requires the various Clerks of Court in Virginia to go through their records and ensure that any criminal record information that hasn’t been applied to the Virginia Central Criminal Records Exchange is included, and the files are updated.

Ensuring that Virginia’s criminal records are accurate and include all the legally-required information isn’t just a matter of good governance; various agencies depend on it. Local governments, the Virginia State Police, and other departments rely on this data for background checks for everything from employment decisions — can someone be trusted to work with young children — to firearm purchases.

Keeping these records correct is critical to keeping Virginians safe. Thanks to this bill, the odds of dangerous people falling through the cracks to purchase firearms or work in sensitive occupations will be greatly reduced.

Keeping the right records and keeping Virginians safe is another one of the 51 accomplishments by the 51 members of the Republican-led House of Delegates.