Del. Hugo Led Effort to Make Coupons Count Toward Medical Deductibles

Managing a chronic illness is difficult enough on its own without adding paperwork and expense to the equation. For Virginians dealing with illness like high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, or depression, a regular trip to the pharmacy counter is many times a life-saving endeavor.

It’s no surprise then that a number of Virginians look for every way they can to save money on these drugs, including coupons or prescription discount programs. But until now, only the money paid out of pocket toward these drugs was counted toward health insurance deductible costs. For example, someone who used a $30 discount toward a $50 co-pay would see only $20 counted toward their health insurance deductible.

When Del. Tim Hugo heard about this from his constituents, he brought the issue to his Republican colleagues and, working together, they took action. Delegate Hugo’s legislation clarifies that it doesn’t matter who’s pocket funds the co-pay. Any money paid forward to cover the cost, regardless of where it comes from, is counted toward the patient’s deductibles.

If the cost is covered, the source shouldn’t matter to insurance providers. It’s just common sense, and yet another accomplishment during the 2019 session by your Republican House of Delegates majority.