Who Pays the Unpaid Power Bills? We do!

When the dust settles and the unpaid bills come due, they are likely to come to all of the other customers of the various utilities in the form of extra monthly charges. In the case of Dominion Energy Virginia, the General Assembly is considering a second way to make its customers pay.

The General Assembly now in special session might act to extend that moratorium until the end of the official COVID-19 emergency orders. But it is not waiting for that to go after the larger problem: How to relive pressure on those families and how to maintain the economic health of these vital utilities when they are owed hundreds of millions and perhaps a billion dollars.

Thanks to the Jefferson Policy Journal for its in-depth explanation on this issue. Read more here:  https://jeffersonpolicyjournal.com/2020/09/how-the-unpaid-utility-bills-will-instead-come-to-you/