Thanks to the Suburban Virginia GOP for compiling the latest information about the VCEA. Some highlights:
VCEA requires building solar panel fields equal to:
- 490 square miles
- 237,000 football fields
- 20 times size of Manhattan
- Other States have similar goals, but VA has enacted legislation Construction is underway.
- Eliminates all fossil fuel generated electricity by 2045 – 80% of total current generation
- Eliminates all oversight by the State Corporation Commission – first time in history SCC will not opine on “just and reasonable” electricity rates
1. Repeal VCEA entirely
2. Amend VCEA to require:
- No Clearcutting
- Restoration of oversight by SCC
- Limits on size and amount of solar and wind facilities
- Limits on increase in average residential electric bill
- Repeal of State tax credits for solar and wind facilities
Read more here: